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DEMO OR DIE | National Piloting By EWF

The National Piloting (E4) was conducted in Portugal on the 23rd of June with InnoVLabs contribution.

The training was delivered by Tiago Nuncio, who is a trainer and engineer at #FAN3D. The event enabled to increase the level of knowledge, skills and competencies participants need to acquire to become competent and confident in 3D Printing. The training covered the principles of three-dimensional computer-aided-design (3D CAD) modelling, solid modelling practices, fundamental execution parameters, tools, workflow processes and operating desktop 3D Printers.

Next month, a second session will be organized about Printing Material Extrusion (MEX) Overview, Introduction to CAD, Design for Material Extrusion, 3D Printer Operation and Practical Applications, and they will try themselves with the “Do It Yourself” case study at the end of the training.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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